

Image Transfer Techniques

Many image transfer techniques. Including instructions on incorporating additional mixed media techniques to the Image Transfer Technique - with candle wax distressing, relief stenciling, stamping, stencil, color rouging.
Epacket available with step-by-step instructions and photos.
Mixed Media Techniques

12 different Mixed Media Techniques - stamping, stenciling, decou-page, and more.
Epacket available with step-by-step instructions and photos.
Spring Tulips Step-by-Step

Basecoat petals with Lilac, Melon and Poodleskirt.
Corner load angle float shading along tulip petal edges – Lilac – Wild Orchard Melon – Cadmium Red Poddleskirt – Peony Pink
Pull the veins in the petals with the same shade colors; by using the angle up on the chisel edge. Pull on a slight curve following the curve of that petal; giving the petal life.
Basecoat the leaves with Arbor Green. With 0 liner and Hauser Dark Green, pull the veins in the leaves. Pull on a slight curve, following the curve of the leaves outside edges; giving the leaf life. Corner load the angle with Hauser Dark Green, float shading down the appropriate side of each leaf.
Basecoat the stems with Arbor Green. Corner load the angle with Hauser Dark Green, float shading across the top of the stems, under the tulips.
Debby's Touch Pines

Everyday pines (top row)
With a pencil and graph ruler, pull the center line for each pine. Slightly pre-dampen the surface area with clean water. This will help the paint bleed; giving the boughs a softer effect.
Load the brush across the chisel edge with Black Green. Up on the chisel edge, vertically pull the top of the pine.
Up on the chisel edge, horizontally continue to tap in the boughs. Tapping from left to right, slowly and slightly widening as you work towards the base.
Slightly allow some of the background to show through, so the pine doesn't begin to look like a triangle. Randomly re-tap Black Green to deepen some boughs.
Randomly Hauser Light Green on the boughs; for highlight.
Winter Pines (bottom row)
Apply following previous steps - skipping step 5.
Use Blue Mist for the lighter background pines.
Use Black Green for front pines.
For snow, slightly pre-dampen pines with clean water. Randomly tap Snow White on boughs.
For the proper use of my Texture Brush, use the following method:

Dampen the bristles with water to start the separation of bristles. Tap bristles into the paint on your palette, hold it perpendicular to your palette, pounce it up and down to get some of the paint off – keeping the paint sparse on the brush.
Note – this brush can be used on the whole foot or just the toe. Tap lightly on the surface, dance with the brush up and down, rolling the brush in different directions in between your fingers when it is up in the air (like dancing the twist, light on your feet).
Allow some drying time in between dances so the paint sets up and you don’t end up with a globby or muddy look.
Brushes are available in three sizes - ww.DebbysTouch.com